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Grow a lawn from seed: A how to guide

Grow a lawn from seed: A how to guide

Growing a lawn from seed is extremely popular and should be done between March and September. For your seed needs take a look at our Premium Lawn Seed Mix. Here are some handy tips to grow a lawn from seed.

How to grow a lawn from seed?
Lawn from seed

Prepare the ground to grow a lawn from seed

Start by removing any old turf. Dig the area over, removing any weeds and large stones. You may wish at this point to add organic matter, like our worm castings. This will help to enrich the soil, so your seeds have all the nutrients they need to thrive. 

Rake it over ensuring the lumps are broken down. You will then need to tread the ground. Repeat this process until you have an even area with no bumps or hollows and are happy with the ground. 

Just like preparing any seedbed, rake it over one last time to a fine tilth. 


There are two main methods for seeding. Always remember to read the seed packet before starting to ensure you know how much seed should be used in an area. 

Sowing by hand 

The first method that is best for a small area is sowing by hand. You may wish to measure out and mark each 1m square with canes or string. This can help to ensure you are putting the right amount in each meter square. 

Try measuring out what you need for a meter square into a cup and using this as your guide to preventing having to keep measuring. Sprinkle the seed over the area, one way and then the other to ensure even coverage. 

Sowing with a fertiliser spreader 

If you are planning to seed a large area you may wish to look at a fertiliser spreader. These handy machines will make the process much quicker, and you should get an even spread when used correctly. 

Simply follow the instructions on the spreader and seed packet. Ensuring you are putting the right amount in for your area, and you continue to move and not allow too much to drop in one place. 

After sowing 

You want the seed to be amongst the soil. Do this by raking the seeds in after sowing, then firm down by foot. Then give the area a light watering; you want to continue to water your seeded area for six weeks unless rain has fallen. 

And that is all there is to grow a lawn from seed

We hope this helped with how to grow a lawn from seed; should you have any other questions regarding the sowing of a lawn we are always here to help. 

Choosing the right compost for you

Choosing the right compost for your gardening needs will help to enrich and enhance your soil and assist your plant growth.

Why do I need compost?

Although compost and soil from your garden are great. Many of these are missing the key nutrients you need for growing your plants. Therefore by adding compost to your beds or pots you are giving your plants the best chance of excelling.

What do we offer for compost types?

We currently have 3 types of compost in our range. Choosing the right compost is about understanding what you will be using the compost for.

Multipurpose Compost

Our multipurpose compost is manufactured from top quality conifer bark and wood fibre, coir, and green compost. With being Royal Horticultural Society approved you know you are getting a quality product.

These 50L bags are ideal for seeding and potting. They can also be used for tree and shrub planting when mixed with three to five parts soil to one part compost.

Choosing the right compost for you, the multi purpose might be right for you.
Multi Purpose compost

Peat Free Compost

Our Peat Free Compost is derived from 100% green waste, that adheres to the UK’s PAS100 scheme. This means the compost is heated, which then kills off any weed seeds or parts of plants necessary for their reproduction. We currently offer this in 900L bags or larger loose tipped loads.

Mix with soil to be used as a soil conditioner for establishing grass or turf, plant beds or for planting trees and shrubs. You can also use it for mulching to conserve soil moisture and suppress weeds.

Peat Free Compost
Peat free Compost

Peat Free Organic Compost

Our Peat Free Organic Compost is made from bracken, and sheep’s wool and enriched with comfrey. For this reason it has natural water retention and is a slow-release fertiliser.

Great for pots, tubs and hanging baskets. Simply loosely fill and water well before use. If you have raised beds, it is ideal with the slow-release fertiliser.

Our peat free compost could be the right one for you to choose.
Peat free organic compost

Still need help?

In conclusion, all of our composts are great for their purpose. We hope this has helped with choosing the right compost for you. If you still required some assistance, please do not hesitate to get in touch.


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