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Things You Need To Know: For Feeding Your Lawn in Spring

Things You Need To Know: For Feeding Your Lawn in Spring

Feeding your lawn in Spring will give it the nutrients it needs to stay healthy and lush all season long. There are a number of different types of lawn fertilisers on the market, so it’s important to choose the right one for your needs. Timing is also important; you don’t want to wait too late in the season or your lawn will be overfed and become green and spongy.

To ensure you are feeding your lawn in Spring effectively, follow these simple steps:

What will feeding your lawn in Spring actually help with?

The first and simple answer is it will give you a greener and thinker lawn.

When applied correctly the feed should encourage your lawn to grow close-knit turf and roots. This should help to prevent both weeds and moss from being able to grow.

The feed can also help the lawn to continue to grow in drought conditions. Should the lawn also be affected by a disease it is more likely to fight it off.

Feeding a lawn in Spring is a great way to ensure growth throughout the coming months
Lawn Spring feeding

What to look for when choosing a fertiliser for Spring feeding?

Spring feed should be high in nutrients, especially Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium. When looking at the label make sure that these are included.

The Nitrogen will help the create proteins that the lawn needs for cell growth. Because of this, it helps the lawn to fight against any damage by feet, mowing or lawn disease.

Phosphorus encourages the lawn to grow longer roots so it is able to absorb additional water and nutrients as required.

The Potassium within the feed gives the lawn a stronger immune system. Enabling it to resist common diseases and continue to excel in drought conditions.

Many people like to use up remaining fertiliser in the autumn when a further feed can be applied. This requires a different feed. Using Spring fertilisers can cause the lawn to become vulnerable to frosts and result in a sappy soft lawn.

When to feed your lawn?

Spring feeds should only be applied to well-established lawns. The grass needs to be actively growing before applying fertiliser. We know it seems a little mad to think to feed the lawn at a point when the lawn is growing quickly already.

If March is warm you can start this process, if cooler weather you may want to wait another month or so.

How to apply feed to your lawn?

There are two main methods for fertilising, and this mainly depends on how big the area you are doing is.

Smaller Gardens

By hand – measure out square meters or yards and mark these with string. Just like seeding your lawn. measure out the quantity you need per area and even spread with your hands. We would always recommend wearing gloves for this.

Larger Gardens

By spreader – you will likely want to use a fertiliser spreader when feeding a large lawn. These will often give a more even spread. With many different types, make sure to get one that suits your area’s requirements.

Feeding the lawn in Spring
Feeding the lawn in Spring is key

The last thing you need to know for feeding your lawn in Spring is…

For the best results always follow the instructions from the manufacturers. Each product is different and requires different conditions and different quantities and delusions.

Hopefully, with this little advice, you will be confident with feeding your lawn that you are getting the right products and completing the feed at the right time. Our friendly team are on hand should you have any further questions or need any additional support.

We have lots more information on our website to help you with your garden all year round, take a little look here.

How To Top Dress Your Lawn: A Step by Step Guide

Top dressing your lawn is a great way to improve the overall health and appearance of your lawn. By spreading a thin layer of a mixture of soil, sand and humous over the surface of your lawn, you can fill in any bald spots, help the grass grow thicker, and keep it healthy and looking good all year long. When you top dress your lawn this can also help to control weed growth and moisture levels, making it a valuable addition to any lawn care routine.

Top dress your lawn will give you a lusher fuller lawn.
get a lush lawn from top dressing your lawn

What are the benefits when you top dress your lawn?

  • Will give you a leveller lawn by filling minor hollows.
  • Top dressing helps to improve soil structure, water retention and drainage.
  • It can also help to control weed growth and improve the overall appearance of the lawn.
  • By using a good topdressing each year you will likely require less fertiliser and pesticides.

When should you top dress your lawn?

A topdressing should be done during the growing periods, this can be done between April and October. Many people choose to top dress in late Spring or early Autumn.

What should your top dressing be made up of?

Here are the three main components you should look for when choosing a top dressing mix:

  1. Compost: This is a key ingredient that provides nutrients and organic matter.
  2. Sand: This provides stability and drainage.
  3. Topsoil: This will help level out the ground.

Standard Mixes

Our top dressing mixture is a 70:30 mix. If you would like any more information regarding this please see the Top Dressing product page.

Shows how to spread the top dress on your lawn.
Top dress your lawn

5 Steps to applying the top dressing to your lawn

  1. Step 1: Mown your lawn. This will help the top dressing work into the soil below. Remember to remove the clippings.
  2. Step 2: Rake over the lawn, either using a power rake or aerator to open up channels for the top dressing to enter.
  3. Step 3: Using a spade, fling the mixture onto the lawn. Ensure it is evenly spread throughout.
  4. Step 4: Once it is across the lawn you want to work it into the lawn with the back of a rake or a lute. This will ensure the top dressing is spread evenly and prevent new bumps from being created.
  5. Step 5: If there is no rain forecast ensure the top dressing gets a light shower to help it into the ground.

Now it is time to be patient and wait for the topdressing to do its magic.

If you still have questions regarding how and when to topdress your lawn, contact our friendly team who will be happy to help.


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